Järjestelmäkohtaisilla avainsanoilla voit muokata Flow'n asetuksia ja mukauttaa Flow yrityksesi tarpeisiin. Pääsääntöisesti muutoksia ei tarvitse tehdä Flow'n käyttöönoton jälkeen.
Pidä kirjaa tekemistäsi muutoksista. Tee muutos vain, jos olet varma siitä, mitä teet. Keskustele muutoksesta ohjelmiston toimittajan kanssa.
Avainsanojen muuttaminen
Tee muutokset sivulla Portaali > System Administration > Miscellaneous > System Settings.
Voit tarkentaa hakua esimerkiksi Group-valikolla:
Tärkeimmät avainsanat
Oheisissa taulukoissa on kuvattu käytetyimmät avainsanat. Oletusarvo-sarake kertoo toiminnan avainsanan puuttuessa tai kun avainsanan arvo on default. Avainsanan toiminto voi vaatia erillisen lisenssioption.
Nimi | Kuvaus | Arvot | Oletusarvo | Huom |
MAIL_METHOD | Messaging method | INTERNAL/SMTP | - | |
SMTPServer | Email (SMTP) server name | - | e.g. yritys.fi | |
SMTP.from.mail | Default mail sender if no user cannot be used, default is none. Note! Some cases mail delivery will be failed if valid from mail address is missing. | - | e.g. noreply@yritys.fi | |
SMTP.send.thread | Send SMTP message as separate thread (e.g. for tracking possible error cases in message sending) | true / false / default | true | |
messages.send_days_before_end_time | Sends message to author, assignee, owner and creator about objects whose validity is about to end | number of days / default | 7 days |
Piirustusten ja mallien tiedostomuunnokset
Nimi | Kuvaus | Arvot | Oletusarvo | Huom |
pdm.vxpdfconverter | PDF converter switch | true / false / default | true | |
pdm.vxifcconverter | IFC converter switch | true / false / default | true | |
pdm.vxlightmodelconverter | Light model converter switch | true / false / default | false | |
pdm.vxstepconverter | Step converter switch | true / false / default | true | |
pdm.autogenerate.pdf | Creates pdf viewer file and other secondary file formats whenever document file changes. | true / false / default | false | |
pdm.autogenerate.dwg | Creates dwg secondary file whenever document file changes | true / false / default | false | |
pdm.autogenerate.dwg.filter | Creates dwg only if specified conditions are met. Supported if keyword pdm.autogenerate.dwg value is set true. | default / JSON like format (Use percent sign as wildchar) | all | e.g. "PDMOBJECTTYPEID":"drawing", |
pdm.autogenerate.dxf | Creates dxf secondary file whenever document file changes | true / false / default | false | |
pdm.autogenerate.dxf.filter | Creates dxf only if specified conditions are met. Supported if keyword pdm.autogenerate.dxf value is set true. | default / JSON like format (Use percent sign as wildchar) | See example of pdm.autogenerate.dwg.filter above | |
pdm.autogenerate.glb | Creates glb secondary file whenever model file changes | true / false / default | true | |
pdm.autogenerate.ifc | Creates ifc secondary file whenever document file changes | true / false / default | false | |
pdm.autogenerate.svg | Creates svg secondary file whenever document file changes | true / false / default | false | |
pdm.autogenerate.sparepdf | Creates spare part pdf file whenever model file changes | true / false / default | true | |
pdm.autogenerate.sparepdf.exclude | Creates spare part pdf only if drawing has "To spare part booklet" selection checked | true / false / default | false | |
pdm.autogenerate.lightmodel | Creates lightmodel secondary file whenever model file changes | true / false / default | true | |
pdm.autogenerate.pdf3d | Creates 3d pdf viewer file whenever model file changes | true / false / default | true | |
pdm.autogenerate.step3d | Creates step file whenever model file changes | true / false / default | true | |
pdm.autogenerate.pdf.import | Enables creating pdf and other secondary file formats in import page | true / false / checked / default | false | Value "checked" checks the box and in transfer batch mode launches the conversions |
pdm.autogenerate.model.default.conversions | Default secondary file settings at Flow and G4 user interface when creating new model | default / none / IFC, STEP, SAT, REFMODEL, LIGHTMODEL, STEPLIGHT, SATLIGHT, GLB, PDF3D | PDF3D | In case you write here light formats such as REFMODEL, STEPLIGHT, SATLIGHT and GLB, you should also write LIGHTMODEL to end up with logical results. |
pdm.autogenerate.dwg.filter. pdm.autogenerate.dxf.filter | Specify the drawings that can have dwg or dxf files generated | Tutustu tarkemmin | ||
genfile.task.timeout | Timeout for file conversion in milliseconds | milliseconds / default | 600000 (= 10 min.) | |
pdf.vxpdfconverter.filetypes.skip | Source file extensions to be ignored in conversion | file extensions separated by semicolons / default | e.g. dxf;.dwg | |
pdm.pdf.tagmap.path | XML file path when creating PDF booklets | file path name | ||
pdm.pdf.watermark.ignoreddoctypes | Document types to be skipped in watermarking (overwrites functionality defined in statemodel) | object types separated by pipes / default | drawing|dwg_sw| dwg_other|model| model_sw|model_other| bdsheet|vxpsheetset | |
pdm.vxconverter.filename.convert | Format rule of target file name | attribute names separated by underscores | Source file basename with new extension: basename.ext, e.g. 123.vxp->123.pdf) | e.g. OBJNAME_OBJCODE_DESCR2\_FI |
utb.vxp.versioninfo.numeric | Update Title Block setting: writes also numeric revision values to revison rows in Vertex drawing sheet. (Keyword value falseIfA means that does not write numeric revisions if revision A exists.) | false / falseIfA / true / default | true | |
sw.autogenerate.step.to.lightmodel | Background converter creates Vertex light model file in case SW model is checked in with STEP format file | true / false / default | true | Group menu name is SolidWorks |
Muut tiedostomuunnosten asetukset ovat sivuilla
- Portaali > Task Processes > Remote Clients
- Portaali > System Administration > File Update Routines
- Portaali > System Administration > File Conversion Rules
Office-dokumenttien PDF-tiedostomuunnokset
Nimi | Kuvaus | Arvot | Oletusarvo | Huom |
pdm.adlibpdfconverter | Office to PDF conversion switch | true / false / default | false | |
pdm.adlibpdfconverter.filepath.input | Neevia Input directory | folder path name | ||
pdm.adlibpdfconverter.filepath.output | Neevia output directory | folder path name | ||
pdm.adlibpdfconverter.filetypes | Supported source file extensions | file extensions separated by semicolons | ||
pdm.adlibpdfconverter.filetypes.0 pdm.adlibpdfconverter.filetypes.1 pdm.adlibpdfconverter.filetypes.2 | Supported source file extensions | file extensions separated by semicolons | pdm.pdf.watermark.ignoreddoctypes | |
pdm.adlibpdfconverter.maxdelay | Timeout for file conversion in milliseconds | milliseconds / default | 100000 | |
pdm.adlibpdfconverter.filename.convert | Format rule of PDF file name | attribute names separated by underscores | Source file basename with new extension: basename.ext, e.g. test.docx->test.pdf) | e.g. OBJCODE_EXTVCID |
Nimi | Kuvaus | Arvot | Oletusarvo | Huom |
login.rememberme.enabled | Sets visibility of checkbox "Remember me" in login page | true / false / default | true | |
password.max.try | Maximum number of login tries before user will be locked | number of tries / default | disabled | |
password.max.try.usergroupid | Id of the user group, which login tries is restricted | user group id | all groups | |
password.min.length | Minimum length of password | length / default | 1 | |
password.min.lower.case | Minimum number of lowercase letters in password | number of letters a-z / default | 0 | |
password.min.upper.case | Minimum number of uppercase letters in password | number of letters A-Z / default | 0 | |
password.min.special.char | Minimum number of digits and other special characters in password | number of special characters / default | 0 | |
pdm.document.old.open.warning | Warns user in case of opening an old revision file | true / false / default | true | |
temporaryfiles.maxAge | Max age of temporary files. | number of hours (h) or days (d) / default | 3d | e.g.2d or 4h |
Nimi | Kuvaus | Arvot | Oletusarvo | Huom |
ldap.host | LDAP server name | server name / default | LDAP disabled | LDAP authentication usually needs this keyword only, and you do not have to use other ldap.*-keywords. |
ldap.domain | Value of Windows environment variable USERDNSDOMAIN | DNS domain name / default | ||
ldap.usergroupid | Id of the user group using LDAP | user group id / default | all groups | |
ldap.searchbase | The node in the LDAP tree to search below for usernames | node name / default | ||
ldap.doubleLogin | Makes an illegal password login before the real login. Checks first username existence. | true / false / default | false | These intentional failed logins may cause LDAP domain to lock username |
Tuonti ja vienti
Nimi | Kuvaus | Arvot | Oletusarvo | Huom |
pdm.zipzone | Temporary directory for Export/Import | folder path name | ||
pdm.import.csv.checkstring | String that must be found in CSV import file | verification string / default | ||
pdm.import.tempdir | Folder for temporary files during import | |||
pdm.import.usergroups | Groups authorized to import data | user group ids separated by pipes / default | all groups | e.g. development|sales |
pdm.importlogfile | Import log file | file path name | ||
pdm.export.alllinks | Exports all object links instead of main links | true / false / default | false | |
pdm.export.format.default | Default export metadata file format | csv / xml / html / ff / default | xls | |
pdm.export.selectdocumentformat | Possibility to export secondary file formats | true / false / default | true | |
pdm.export.struct.fields | Additional item data attributes to export structure file | attribute names separated by commas / default | none | e.g. UNIT,WEIGHT |
pdm.export.struct.filldimensions | Sets missing dimension value 1 (if unit is pieces) to export structure file | true / false / default | false | |
pdm.export.struct.versionids | Enables item version labels into export structure file | true / false / default | false | |
pdm.pricebook.export.objectattributes | Pricebook export column names | attribute names separated by semicolons / default | OBJCODE;DESCR; | |
pdm.export.no.whereusedcheck | Set true to prevent the transfer of the structures where the active transferred item is used. Values default and false make all the structures where the item is used to be transferred | true / false / default | false | It is highly recommnded NOT to set this value true. |
store_export_temp_files | Leaves temporary export files in disk after export | true / false / default | false | |
pdm.transfer.all.children | Transfers also children not marked for transfer | true / false / default | false | |
pdm.transfer.dot_conversion_char | Decimal separator char of the numeric (float) attributes and OPTQUANTITY/DIMENSIONS fields | character / default | . | |
drawing.finished.transfer_metadata | Transfers also drawing metadata and pdf files with items | true / false | false | Requires option DMO-2162 |
transferbatch.logfile | Transfer batch log file | file path name | ||
transferbatch.propertiesfile | Transfer batch property file | file path name |
Tuoteyksilö ja tuotekonfigurointi
Nimi | Kuvaus | Arvot | Oletusarvo | Huom |
pdm.productinstance.configurator.attributes | Attibutes to set from productinstance to configurator | attribute names separated by pipes / default | disabled | e.g. COUNTRY |
pdm.productinstance.item.code.format | Code serie name or product instance attribute name for product instance main item | code serie name / PRODUCTINSTANCE.[attributename] / default | code serie "DEFAULT" | e.g. PRODUCTINSTANCE.OBJCODE |
pdm.item.assembly.code.format | Code serie name for product instance sub items | code serie name / default | code serie "DEFAULT" | |
pdm.productinstance.item.code.prefix | Code prefix for product instance items | string | no prefix | e.g. value TY makes code 1234 → TY1234 |
pdm.productinstance.item.copy.attributes | Defines what attributes to copy from productinstance to item during configuration. | attribute names separated by pipes / default | nothing is copied | |
configurator.max.combinations | Defines how many selection combinations is allowed to be solved. | number of combinations / default | 1500 | |
configurator.max.combinations.selections | Defines how many selections or groups is allowed to be sent to combinator engine | number of selections or groups / default | 30 | |
configurator.max.combinations.to.modeller | Max quantity of combinations one modeller can handle | number of combinations / default | 10 | |
configurator.taskfile.temp.path | Folder for temporary task files | folder path name | ||
configurator.url | Configurator address | url address / default / flash | [flow-address]/ngc | e.g. https://flow.company.com/ngc |
Nimi | Kuvaus | Arvot | Oletusarvo | Huom |
pdm.translate.description.fields | Dictionary and description fields translation support switch | true / false / default | true | |
language.exceptions.enabled | Shows error message if a phrase translation is missing | true / false / default | false | Supports only so called vrb translations |
Nimi | Kuvaus | Arvot | Oletusarvo | Huom |
pdm.view.primaryfile | Permission VIEW permits user to open primary file in case viewer file is missing | true / false / default | false | |
pdm.view.secondaryfile | In addition to viewer file (.pdf) user can access also secondary files (e.g. dwg). | true / false / default | false | |
pdm.viewer.extensions | Valid viewer file formats. | file extensions separated by commas / any | .pdf, .tif, .tiff | |
permission.read.includes.conn | To manage connections of an object user needs only READ permission instead of WRITE permission. | true / false / default | true | Requires JVM restart. |
Nimi | Kuvaus | Arvot | Oletusarvo | Huom |
pdm.version.flow | Revision flow fromAtoNum: A, B, C ... Z, 0, 1, [1.5, 1.547,] 2 ... from0toAtoNum: 0, A, B, C ... Z, 1, [1.5, 1.547,] 2 ... from0toAAto99: like previous but two letters and 01-09 are valid from0toZ9: 0, 1, [1.5, 1.547,] 2 ... A, B, [B1, B2,] C... | default / fromAtoNum / from0toAtoNum / from0toAAto99 / from0toZ9 | fromAtoNum (beginning by default from 0) | Requires JVM restart. |
pdm.version.max | Maximum value of numerical revision number | integer value / default | largest positive integer value of server | |
pdm.version.show0 | Shows number zero as revison number 0 | true / false / default | false | |
pdm.version.decimal | Decimal number is a valid revision number | true / false / default | true | |
pdm.version.checkin.newcode.types | Type ids of objects whose codes are revision-specific | true / false / default | all revisions have same code | |
utb.vxp.versioninfo.maxlines | Update Title Block setting: maximum amount of revision lines to be written into Vertex drawing sheet | number of rows / default | all rows | |
structuretab.latestrevisionsonly | Hides old revisions in structure tab of projects/products/etc | true / false / default | false | |
new.revision.clear.assignee | Clear assignee field of the object when new revision is created | true / false / default | true |
Nimi | Kuvaus | Arvot | Oletusarvo | Huom |
state.list.max | Maximum number of selections in state transition list. Disabled selections are dropped if value is exceeded. | integer value / default | 12 | |
item.statuschange.mandatoryfields | Mandatory fields when status of the item is changed | DESCR, UNIT, CLASSIFICATION, PNO, PNO_CAN_BE_0_IN_MATERIAL | ||
item.statuschange.fields.maxlength | Maximum number of chars in attribute fields in item status change | integer value / default | Unlimited | |
item.statuschange.fields_1 | List of attribute names which summed up length of values must not exceed the limit set by keyword item.statuschange.fields.maxlength | attribute names separated by semicolons / default (e.g. DESCR; DESCR1_EN) | DESCR | |
item.statuschange.fields_2 | Alternative list of attribute names which summed up length of values must not exceed the limit set by keyword item.statuschange.fields.maxlength | attribute names separated by semicolons / default (e.g. DESCR2; DESCR2_EN) | None |
Muut työnkierron asetukset ovat Flow'n käyttöliittymässä sivulla
- Portaali > System Administration > Workflow
Nimi | Kuvaus | Arvot | Oletusarvo | Huom |
flowlet.auto.update | Enable or disable Flowlet automatic updates (default = true, false = disable) | true / false / default | true | |
flowlet.auto.update.frequency | Number of days to wait for next Flowlet update check | number of days | 7 | 0 = check on every login |
flowlet.refresh.timeout | Time to wait for connection between Flow and Flowlet. If timeout occurs, Flowlet installation dialog pops up. | time in ms / default | 40 000 | |
flowlet.update.url | URL or path to Flowlet installation packages | custom uri / default | Vertex support site | |
flowlet.file.polling.frequency | Workspace polling frequency | time in ms / default | 3000 |
Nimikerakenteen kopiointi
Nimi | Kuvaus | Arvot | Oletusarvo | Huom |
pdm.copyitemstructure.skipitems | Rules for the items to be skipped. Skipped items won't be copied but the link to the original item stays. | Attribute key-value pairs separated with commas / FINDANDREPLACE=1 / default | UNIT!=KPL,PURCHASE=Ostettava, | These rule settings are displayed on the Copy Structure page. E.g. UNIT!=KPL,PURCHASE=Ostettava,ITEMGROUP=MTRL Any match causes skipping i.e. if ITEMGROUP is MTRL but UNIT is KG, skipping will be done. Special value FINDANDREPLACE=1 makes the radio button "Copy by codes" checked by default. |
pdm.copyitemstructure.codeseries | Defines what code series will be used for new items having specified original code, and default code serie. | First the rules for code series, and then default serie if no rule matching occurs / default | VX*=IV,DEF=IV | These are predefined rules to be displayed on the Copy Structure page. Must contain DEF= for default serie in the end |
Tietojen jakelu toimittajakansioihin (Document dispatcher)
Nimi | Kuvaus | Arvot | Oletusarvo | Huom |
pdmfiletransferthread.error.mailto | Error reports are sent to e-mail | Valid email address | None | |
pdmfiletransferthread.file.cleancopy | Copy all possible files (=true), only lately updated (=default) or after specific date (=date) | true / date / default | Updated after last transfer action time | Se also keyword: pdmfiletransferthread.file.transferdate |
pdmfiletransferthread.file.format.vxm | Selected file formats for Vertex 3D models | comma separated file extensions (vxm, step, pdf) | None | |
pdmfiletransferthread.file.format.vxp | Selected file formats for Vertex 2D drawing | comma separated file extensions or pdfbooklet, viewerfile | dxf | |
pdmfiletransferthread.file.naming | Target filename, with (=version) or without (=default) ext. revision id or in own directory by item code (=itemdir) | version / itemdir / default | Filename without revision identifier | |
pdmfiletransferthread.file.path | File transfer target folder | Valid file path | Required | |
pdmfiletransferthread.file.path.field | File transfer subfolder name variable. | VENDOR | VENDOR | Constant |
pdmfiletransferthread.file.require.manufbooklet | To manufacturing booklet -property must be checked (if it exists), default = false | |||
pdmfiletransferthread.file.transferdate | Select items modified after date (yyyy-mm-dd) or no date limit (default) | default / Valid date | false | Keyword pdmfiletransferthread.file.cleancopy must be set to value date |
pdmfiletransferthread.item.query.field | Query field for item, item must have this attribute, only if vendor data is saved as in item attribute (VENDOR). | VENDOR | VENDOR | Constant |
pdmfiletransferthread.item.required.statusid | Required status id for items to be selected | e.g. finished / verified | Required | |
pdmfiletransferthread.notifications.send | Send notifications to vendor e-mails, default is false (no emails) | false / true / default | false | Mail method SMTP.from.mail is required. |
pdmfiletransferthread.notifications.template | Mail template for vendor notifications | Valid message template name | vendor_notification | Look at the Message Templates admin tool |
pdmfiletransferthread.pdfbooklet.templatecode | XML template code for pdf-booklet | Valid Code of the xml template Flow document | D000SP2 |
Nimi | Kuvaus | Arvot | Oletusarvo | Huom |
item.preview.image.from.drawing | Item shows the related drawing as the preview image instead of the model | true / false / default | false | |
pdm.character.encoding | System character encoding | encoding name / default | UTF-8 | |
pdm.rootpath | Folder to store files | folder path name | ||
pdm.attach.filename.convert | Converts filenames when creating new document | attribute name + file extension separated by commas / default | No conversion: original filename remains | e.g. OBJCODE.vxp,OBJCODE.docx |
pdm.copy.filename.convert | Converts filenames when copying a document | attribute name + file extension separated by commas / default | No conversion: target filename is same as source filename | e.g. OBJCODE.vxp,OBJCODE.docx |
pdm.partnumber.step | Item structure part numbering sequence | integer value / default | 1 | |
pdm.required.connection.* | Forces object type to have connections to specified object types | object type ids separated by commas | e.g. pdm.required.connection.drawing = project,product Tutustu tarkemmin | |
pdm.selection.stucture.items | Allows items in selection stucture | true / false / default | false | |
pdm.item.autopartnumbers.enabled | Item structure automatic part numbering | true / false / default | true | |
pdm.item.autopartnumbers.systemvalue | Default behaviour of automatic part numbering (default=user defined, true=always checked, false=always unchecked) | true / false / user / default | user | |
pdm.item.search.filter.objtypes | Object types to be ignored by cad search | object type ids separated by commas / default | resource | |
pdm.item.unit.types_like_piece | Units which equals PCS | unit values separated by commas | e.g. KPL,PCS,PC | |
pdm.pricing.method | Project pricing method | item / selection / default | selection | |
price.period | Each price in pricebook has start and end date | true / false / default | true | |
userlog.report.maxrows | Number of max rows in the User log Excel report | integer value / default | 100 000 | |
upgrade.delete.pdmuserlog | Set false to preserve data in database table PDMUSERLOG on Flow upgrade | true / false / default | Flow 23.0-24.0: true Flow 25.0 forces this value to be false | Data size of table PDMUSERLOG is usually huge. |
structuretree.objecttypes | Object types displayed in the Flow item structure tree under item | object type ids separated by commas / default | model, drawing, model_sw, dwg_sw | |
item.checkout.with.drawing | Check out the item when opening the drawing using G4 | true / false / default | true | |
trolley.multiedit.customfields | Show customized fields in Trolley bulk change | true / false / default | true | Customized field database names start with C_ |
timeline.hidden.operations | Hide certain operations from timeline to improve performance | operation names separated by semicolons / default | API_FUNCTION;API_FAILED_LOGIN; API_LOGIN;FailedLogin; Login;Logout;ReadMetadata |
Flow for SolidWorks
Flow for SolidWorks -liitännäiseen liittyvät avainsanat on dokumentoitu Flow for SolidWorks -ohjeessa.